
This is an old post but still extremely valid and almost spot on how today is going 😂

As I’m in the home stretch of changing the baby’s poopy diaper, which, thankfully stayed IN his diaper thanks to one piece jamms while looking at  the Duplo blocks that Q just dumped and walked away from (thanks son), I hear my biggest chaoser (probably not a word but it’s Saturday so who cares) dumping and spreading something else out in the living room area. I simply hope it’s nothing too bad. Finish the diaper, success, one thing complete. Head to the kitchen to see all the number and alphabet flash cards out, it’s my lucky day! Next to the flash cards are the magic tracks (don’t get me started on those things, they hurt when you step on them and all the kids do is rip them apart and scatter them around the house as little plastic weapons) that I’ve had put up a couple times to donate, what even is happening? The middle kiddo isn’t even home right now as she’s with Daddy helping do some chores for a friend.

These kids are busy. They are messy. By the time I’ve gotten one thing picked up, they’ve gotten four more out around the house.

BUT. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I wouldn’t ever let anything take this chaos away from me. I’m so blessed to be at home with these monkeys while our hard-working Daddy brings home the bacon (he actually did bring it home this morning AND cooked it for breakfast 😂).

More often than not we look like a hot mess.
More often than not there’s a pile of laundry to be folded.
More often than not my kids pull me away to lay on the floor and read books together.
This is what it’s about.
Thanks for making me step away from the endless sink of dishes to build train tracks.
Thank you for bringing me your boots so we can dress up and go outside to get muddy.
Thank you for not throwing fits when I limit your TV time to practically none and for the huge imagination you guys show.
I love you, Q, L, and H.
P.s. I love Daddio too!
